



Documents, CD tracks and links to videos that Dr Reitav has produced, and that would be of interest to patients in making changes in their lives are located on the RESOURCES page of this website.

Measure the number of breaths you take in a minute.
Are you a chest breather, or an abdominal breather? Find out here.

The following CV summarizes work he has done that other health care providers may be interested in.

Link to CV


Dr Reitav has written chapters of books, articles, and made many presentations at conferences for health care providers, patient groups, and for health care organizations.

The following outlines the content of the chapters written for health care providers

Reitav J. (2012) Managing Sleep Problems among Cardiac Patients. Chapter 13 in Stress Proof the Heart: Behavioral Interventions for Cardiac Patients. Ellen A. Dornelas (Ed.)

This chapter reviews the research evidence from epidemiological and clinical studies of cardiac patients that establishes sleep disruptions as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The impact of both sleep duration and sleep apnea are reviewed. The circadian distribution of cardiac events in the early morning and late afternoon argue strongly for the involvement of 24-hour circadian processes in precipitating angina, myocardial infarcts, thrombotic strokes and cardiac deaths. The pathophysiological processes underlying these events are discussed with particular attention paid to evolving understanding of the circadian rhythms of the cardiovascular and metabolic systems. The combined effect of stress system dysregulation and sleep disturbance presents challenges to the clinician managing these patients. The chapter presents an overview of the suggested clinical interventions to help these patients recover from their cardiovascular events. Two case studies are used to illustrate the interventions.

Prior PL, Francis J, Reitav J and Stone JA. (2009) Behavioral, Psychological and Functional Issues in Cardiac Rehabilitation. Chapter 6 in The Canadian Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: Translating Knowledge into Action, Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation, pp 107-202.
Reitav J and Hamovitch G.(2001) Psychological Aspects of Head and Neck Pain. Chapter 10 in Howard Vernon (Ed.) The Cranio-Cervical Syndrome: Mechanisms, Assessment and Treatment, London: Buttersworth and Heinemann, pp. 161-196.
Reitav J and Dickstein JB. (2001) Sleep and the Elderly. Chapter 21 in BJ Gleberzon (Ed.) Chiropractic Care of the Older Patient, London: Buttersworth and Heinemann, pp. 287-313.